Vehicle Lockout Strategies

Vehicle Lockout Strategies

Locking your keys inside your vehicle isn’t just inconvenient, it can actually prove dangerous, especially if you’re stranded in a strange and dangerous area, or if you’re trapped outside in the cold. In this blog entry, the roadside assistance experts here at Towing Chicago will provide some excellent strategies to implement if you do find yourself locked outside of your vehicle.

  1. Try to relax. Breathe deeply and calm down. Calmly check all the doors of your car, and the trunk opening. Then double check. Ideally one of these openings are still unlocked.
  2. Consider if you have a spare key present at your home or job – or if a friend or a neighbor has a spare key. If they do, maybe they can deliver it to you. Some car dealerships can create a temporary key for you.
  3. Contact a licensed roadside assistance expert, like those here at Towing Chicago. Our expert roadside assistant technicians can help get your car back on the road in no time at all.
  4. Keep in mind that even if you don’t pay for roadside assistance coverage, that roadside assistance service is common and affordable. Towing Chicago employs professional technicians equipped with high tech tools that can open your car up without incurring any damages. By contacting a local towing company, like Towing Chicago, you can rest easy in the knowledge you’ll be back behind the wheel in no time at all.