Category Archives: Driving Traction

While friction is a general physical expression, vehicle traction can be defined as the friction between a drive wheel and the road surface. “traction is the friction between a drive wheel and the road surface. If you lose traction, you lose road grip.”

Winter Truck Driving Tips

Winter Truck Driving Tips

Driving in Winter is risky and dangerous – and even more so when the vehicle you are driving is a truck. The increased weight of trucks have decidedly strong effects on elements of friction and velocity that apply to road safety, especially in low temperatures. Here’s a guide to safe Winter Truck Driving Tips, as prepared by the roadside assistance and heavy duty towing experts here at Towing Chicago.

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Avoiding Getting Stuck in Dirt, Sand, or Snow

Avoiding Getting Stuck in Dirt, Sand, or Snow

Sometimes it’s simply necessary to drive on other types of surfaces besides a perfectly paved highway or road. And we wouldn’t ever want to change that! It’s one of the adventures of driving, and great pleasures that these amazing transportation devices allow us to experience. However, this pleasure can quickly turn to agony and stress when your vehicle gets stuck in surfaces like snow, sand, dirt, or mud – especially if it’s in the middle of nowhere. Here’s a guide to how to avoid getting your car stuck in these substances, as prepared by the towing experts at Towing Chicago.

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