Vehicle Maintenance Tips

Vehicle Maintenance Tips

Spring is an excellent time of year to implement vehicle maintenance guidelines. In this blog entry, the Chicago roadside assistance and Chicago heavy duty towing service experts here at Towing Chicago will detail some excellent tips for vehicle maintenance.

Tire Checking

It’s recommended that your tires are replaced every 6 years, regardless of if they’ve driven very little, or alot. However, your tires should still be checked once a year. Check the tread depth on your tires. Tire treads are the circumference of your tire that hits the ground. Proper tread prevents your car from hydroplaning in puddles, and makes sure that it has proper traction on the road. Put a quarter between the grooves in your tire tread. If George Washington’s face is visible, there’s not enough tread in the tires. Also, check the wear on the tire, as well as its pressure. 


Windshield and Windshield Wipers

Check your windshield wipers at least one between 6 and 12 months. It’s ideal to check these items in the Spring. Any streaking windshield wiper blades should be replaced. Any cracks  in your windshield caused by debris should be repaired, as they will spread over time. Both of the above tasks should be done at once.


Air Conditioning

With the hot months of Summer approaching, you’re going to want to make sure that your vehicle’s air conditioning system is in good shape. Try activating your air conditioning system, and see how quickly – and how cooly – it changes the temperature of your vehicle. Any issues with your vehicle’s air conditioning – or heating – or fan system, for that matter – should be handled by a professional as soon as possible.


Oil Filters and Oil Changes

An oil change should be performed between every 3,000 and 5,000 miles, all depending on which type of car you have. Oil filter changes should also be performed every other oil change. If your car requires oil to be changed every 5,000 miles, your oil filter should be changed every 10,000 miles. Oil filters should always be changed on time, as otherwise they can quickly get blocked, reducing the amount of oil that is sent to the engine, which in turn can cause very serious damage to the engine itself, or other components of your vehicle.

