Hiding Valuables in Your Vehicle

luxury car

In this blog entry, the Chicago roadside assistance experts here at Towing Chicago will detail the best possible areas in which you could hide valuables inside your vehicle.

Under the Seat

Hiding valuables under the seat of your car is a popular choice. Make sure not to make it too obvious that you’ve hidden something under there. Avoid telltale lumps or bulges as this can give away your hiding spot.


Center Console

Another popular place to put valuables is inside your center console. This is even better if your center console locks. Again, don’t leave any clues that something valuable is hidden inside it, like an outline in the fabric or a bulge.



If your car has an ashtray – or even better, a locking ashtray – it can be a good hiding spot. However, these usually aren’t too large so they might not be ideal for any larger items.


Other Car Hiding Spots

  • Purchase a Towelmate with a pocket sewn in, or sew a hidden pocket in a towel by yourself.
  • Hide items inside pockets and sleeves of clothing.
  • Cut a small subtle slit in a tennis ball to hide smaller items. Nobody will be able to see the cut unless they squeeze the tennis ball.
  • People usually avoid toiletry boxes like female sanitary items like tampons or pads, so these can be ideal areas to hide items.
  • Containers of items like sunscreen or cosmetics can be emptied out and used to hide items. Just make sure to accidentally not throw out the bottle.
  • You can create a false top for a cardboard box so it appears like it’s full of garbage or newspapers, and then hide valuables under this false top. Just make sure nobody accidentally throws out the box.
  • Hollow out a book – or a vehicle owner’s manual – and hide small items inside it.


Additional Car Valuable Hiding Tips

  • Don’t hide items as you’re leaving your vehicle. If you need to hide items, do it before you park, as people might be watching you.
  • If you’re hiding your car key on your car, only do so after purchasing and installing a professional key storage lock like a surf lock. These can be attached to wheels or other solid areas of your car.
  • Keep in mind that some key fobs will automatically unlock cars when they are in close proximity to your vehicle, so make sure your vehicle doesn’t automatically unlock.