December Parking Advice in Chicago

December Parking Advice in Chicago

With the Christmas season fully in effect, Chicago traffic can be a bit overwhelming. Between a swelling influx of tourists and Chicagoans coming home to visit family, and the hectic crowds embarking on holiday shopping expeditions, being a driver in the Windy Season can be somewhat more difficult around this time of year. Malls and parking lots are full of people; and although most people don’t know this, parking lots are actually very common settings of traffic accidents – from rear enders, to even hit and runs. Additionally, crowded distracting parking lots are perfect environments for trouble makers like pickpockets, carjackers, thieves, and other vandals. In order to keep yourself, your vehicle, and the people you love safe – follow Towing Chicago‘s official Chicago parking safety tips.


  • Avoid shopping (and parking) at the most busy times of day. This is usually at weekday nights and weekends.
  • Consider using valet parking – this way you don’t have to search for a space, and you won’t have to worry about whether your car is staying safe.
  • Drive slowly in parking lots, and always use your turn signal.
  • Never park in tight parking lots – this way you can avoid scrapes and bumps.
  • Park farther away from buildings to avoid the chances that shopping carts or cars backing up might dent or smack your vehicle.
  • While walking to your car or backing out, make sure to be aware of other cars that are backing out or in at the same time.
  • Always park in a highly visible area that’s brightly lit.
  • Roll up your car’s windows and make sure all doors are locked.
  • Always keep the number of a reliable service like Chicago Towing on hand.
  • Always have your keys on hand while you’re walking to your car – as well as your phone, just in case you need to quickly dial 911.
  • Never leave valuable possessions like expensive clothes or electronics in a visible area of your parked car while you’re away from it.
  • When you’re walking to your car, look around for any suspicious people lingering inside the area.
  • If you feel unsafe, ask a security guard or nearby person to escort you to your car.
  • Put all of your shopping bags inside the trunk, rather than conspicuously in the back seat of the car.
  • Lock the car doors as soon as you enter the vehicle.