Common Reasons for Semi Truck Roadside Assistance

Common Reasons for Semi Truck Roadside Assistance

Drivers of semi trucks are perhaps the most at risk drivers out there; this is due to the massive size of semi trucks, and the unique difficulty in delicately maneuvering these giant metal beasts. Semi trucks are more vulnerable to mechanical issues that affect smaller sedan style cars much less commonly – and when they break down, it really sucks for the driver, since they commonly are towing cargo with a specific delivery time. Here’s a guide, as prepared by the truck towing experts at Towing Chicago, as to the most common causes of semi truck roadside breakdown that we respond to.

Brake Issues

Almost ⅓ of the roadside issues semi trucks experience are the result of issues with brakes. Semi truck brakes should always be checked up on and kept a close eye on to prevent potentially dangerous accidents or breakdowns. The brakes of semi trucks are more vulnerable than brakes of smaller vehicles as they have way more contact with air pressure, friction, oil, and hydration, which can quickly degrade them. Make sure to have your semi truck brakes checked regularly, especially if you drive through harsh weather conditions for long periods of time.

Tire Issues

Tire issues is the number one cause of semi truck breakdowns, since semi trucks operate which huge amounts of pressure and weight on the road, risking tears or blowouts in the tire. These machines are specifically designed to withstand long distance driving with heavy loads, but no machine is perfect. Semi truck tire issues can usually be chalked up to low tire inflation – so be aware of the tire pressure as you conduct a journey in your semi truck, and keep an eye out for telltale signs of tire pressure failure like worn down tire treads.

Cooling Issues

Cooling system issues in semi trucks are usually due to broken connections in the internal wiring of the cooling system. The more complex or ragtag a semi truck’s cooling system – the more wires and connections there are within it – the higher the chances of the system leaking coolant. The absolute number one cause of cooling system failure is loss of coolant and the resulting mechanical issues, it’s important to check the cooling system connections at intervals to make sure there’s no leaks going on.

Electrical Issues

Since semi trucks are so large, it goes with logic that they contain a large amount of electronic components. Electronic issues with trucks can cause failure even when the engine is functioning fine; these electrical components include batteries, alternators, or starter motors. If these elements experience issues or fail, the semi truck will simply not be able to drive. Keep your eyes and nose open for any tell tale signs of electrical issues in your semi truck including weird smells, lighting changes in the truck, warning lights in the dashboard, or battery issues.
