Category Archives: TIps

Driving Traction Guide

Driving Traction Guide

Towing Chicago regularly provides towing service for pickup trucks, vehicles that boast great power that’s often bolstered by strong traction. Factors like open differentials are essential for safe vehicle turning especially in rainy or snowy weather – you don’t want a single wheel to keep spinning when the other three wheels have strong traction. Traction assistants are offered by many car manufacturers through anti lock braking systems that keep wheel spinning at the same speed. Here’s some of the essential traction aspects that you will need when looking for safe vehicles.

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Road Merging Safety Tips

Road Merging Safety Tips

The expert towing service providers at Towing Chicago know all the in’s and outs of the various issues that cause drivers to require towing service. Many accidents that cause car’s to end up needing towing service are a result of poor merging and lane switch practices. Here’s a list of essential tips to safely switch or merge lanes.

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What oil is best for your car

What oil is best for your car

All cars are different and need different types of oil to work as best as it can. There’s tons of different kinds of oil on the market for vehicles, so it can be difficult to understand what kind is the best for your personal car. The fuel delivery experts at Chicago Towing have prepared a brief guide to all the different common varieties of vehicle engine oil so you can help figure out which one is the best for your car.


Normal Oil

This is the most affordable option for car engines. The majority of car dealers utilize this oil for the vehicles that they sell. This kind of oil comes in multiple grades and levels of viscosity for different kinds of cars. It’s a good choice for cars with low mileage, simple engines, and safe drivers who travel at level amounts of speed. People who regularly change the oil of their cars use this type of oil for both high performance and affordability.


Synthetic Blended Oil

This oil is used mostly by SUV and truck drivers since it carries the benefits of synthetic and normal oils. It has as much better temperature performance with a negligibly higher price than normal oil.


Synthetic Oil

This oil is commonly used with advanced car engines since it lasts longer. This type of oil goes through rigorous testing to enforce superior quality – and even though this is the highest quality of oil, many engines can run without it. However, your car’s manual may state that it needs synthetic oil – in which case, definitely use it.


Advanced Mileage Oil

This type of oil is used with vehicles that have high levels of mileage. It’s engineered with advanced types of conditioners that increase the longevity of the seals within the engine. This oil does not work with all kinds of car engines however – so before changing your oil, ask a vehicle expert whether it’s a good idea to use it.


Signs you need new brakes

Signs you need new brakes

We all know how essential vehicles are for our everyday lives – and we all know how essential brakes are for a safely operating vehicle. By periodically  having your car checked up on by a licensed towing and vehicle maintenance company, you can ensure its lasting durability. Brakes often need replacement after some time – and the team at Chicago Towing have prepared a list of signs and signals that it’s time to replace your brakes.


Grinding or Screaming Brakes

If your brakes make a screaming or grinding noise when you slow down, you likely need brand new brake pads. It’s absolutely essential to correct this before the sound gets worse, and the brakes get even more dysfunctional. If you wait too long to do so, you can really damage the braking system and put your life in danger every time you drive.


Worn Down Brake Pads

If your brake pads are worn down, it’s time to replace your brakes. You want to be able to visibly see the brake pads of your car through the spokes of the wheels – and if the pads are less than a quarter inch thick, it’s time to replace them.


Vehicle Edging to the Side

If your vehicle is edging to one side when you press on the brakes it’s a sign that the brakes are unevenly worn down, or possibly a malfunction with the brake fluid. If you notice this disfunction, call a licensed expert to help tow and possibly repair your car.


Vibrating or Shaking Brake Pedals

If the brake pedal of your car starts to shake or vibrate when you press it with your foot, you need to get your car inspected by an expert. This sort of vibration is caused by worn down brakes, and should be corrected right away to avoid wearing the brake pads completely, which can cause even more extensive damage to the brake mechanism itself.


Towing Brake Problems

It’s safer to get your car towed, and then repaired, then to attempt driving with malfunctioning brakes. It’s always better to be cautious; so if your brakes are acting funny, contact the expert towing team at Chicago Towing right away for instant, on-the-spot service.


Unofficial Traffic Crimes

Unofficial Traffic Crimes

There’s traffic crimes – the type that can get one arrested or ticketed – and there’s traffic infractions, that break the collective ‘rules of the road’ and can potentially create dangerous, or minimally, annoying situations for other drivers. Here are some of Towing Chicago‘s choices for the worst offenders.


Refusing to use blinkers

There’s nothing more annoying than sitting in traffic and have somebody quickly pull in front of you, causing you to surprisingly slam on your breaks. If they used their turn signal, it wouldn’t be nearly as startling and dangerous.


Parking Spot Thievery

If someone is obviously waiting for someone to pull out so they can take their parking spot, don’t swoop in and take it – it’s straight up rude and completely inconsiderate.


Following people walking to their cars

Sometimes it’s hard to find a parking spot – we can all identify with the maddening search for an empty spot when all you want to do is get home and take your shoes off. However, it’s flat out creepy to stalk someone leaving a store carrying bags to their car, because not only is it vaguely threatening, but it rudely passively asks the person to walk faster – just circle around the block and drive slowly to look for an available spot.


Switching between bike and road rules

If you’re riding a bike, make sure to follow all the other collective rules that would apply to an automobile driver. Stop at all stop signs and lights, face the correct way, and obey all right of way laws. Just because you’re on a bike doesn’t mean you’re diplomatically immune from all the rules of the road. This goes the same to motorized wheelchairs – which should be operated on the sidewalk, where it’s much safer.


Waving Thank you

Being stuck in traffic can be aggravating. Which is why it’s such a  sigh of relief when somebody finally courteously allows you to pass to get into your needed lane. If you’re being allowed to pass into a lane, be a person and wave thank you to the driver interrupting their schedule to slow down enough to allow you to merge – it will show them that their kindness and courtesy is appreciated, and will encourage them to demonstrate similar kindness to other strangers. Good deeds beget other good deeds – especially on the road.
