Recognizing Wheel Bearing Issues

Electric Vehicle Roadside Assistance

Are you concerned about your vehicle’s wheel bearings? Are you hearing clicking sounds when you drive? You need to make sure your wheels are sturdy, so if you’re doubting the status of your wheel bearings, you need to verify that they are properly in place. Here’s a guide to recognizing bad wheel bearing symptoms, as prepared by the Chicago roadside assistance service experts here at Towing Chicago.

What are wheel bearings?

Wheel bearings are a critical safety part of your wheels that reduce friction and temperature when the wheels spin. They can handle the major forces of vehicle acceleration and braking, and support the entire spring weight of your vehicle.

Sounds of Poor Wheel Bearing Conditions

Howling and Humming

Howling or humming sounds would pop up when traveling in a straight line. This sound would get louder as your speed increases. You can even generally hear what side the wheel bearings have issues on.

Growling and Squealing

Growling and squeaking sounds indicate that you NEED to change your wheel bearings. You will likely hear these sounds when you turn the steering wheel.

Clicking Sounds

If you hear clicking when you drive your car, you’re probably dealing with broken wheel bearings. If this is an issue, it’s likely due to a wobbly wheel, or possibly a deteriorated CV joint.

Additional Symptoms of Wheel Bearing Problems

If you have uneven tire or brake wear, it could be wheel bearing issues, as well as a number of other mechanical issues. This could also apply to wobbly wheels. If you notice signs of bad wheel bearings, contact a mechanic as soon as possible – and have your wheel bearings replaced. It’s 100% essential for safe driving.
