Category Archives: Off Road Safety Tips

Avoiding Getting Stuck in Dirt, Sand, or Snow

Avoiding Getting Stuck in Dirt, Sand, or Snow

Sometimes it’s simply necessary to drive on other types of surfaces besides a perfectly paved highway or road. And we wouldn’t ever want to change that! It’s one of the adventures of driving, and great pleasures that these amazing transportation devices allow us to experience. However, this pleasure can quickly turn to agony and stress when your vehicle gets stuck in surfaces like snow, sand, dirt, or mud – especially if it’s in the middle of nowhere. Here’s a guide to how to avoid getting your car stuck in these substances, as prepared by the towing experts at Towing Chicago.

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Off-Road Safety Tips

Off-Road Safety Tips

Four-wheeling on an off road vehicle can be one of the most exciting and liberating hobbies that anyone can enjoy. Driving off-road helps you experience wilderness in a way much different than driving, or even walking on foot. However, it comes with its own set of dangers – not only from the maintenance of the vehicle, but the usual dangers that come with traversing remote natural environments. In this blog entry I’ll detail ten essential safety tips that make off-road driving immensely more safe.

Update friends and family

Tell someone where you’re going to be, and what time you’re expecting to return. This rule should be followed regardless of the ruggedness of the terrain. People have been known to get stuck or lost in even the most basic and normal natural environments. By doing this, you will make sure the authorities are contacted in case there’s an emergency and you don’t return at the designated time. Read More →
